RAURA initiative in East and West Africa .

Presentation and Implementation strategy 2023


Target groups

The target group includes 4 schools that will form RAURA centres, hubs in the wheels for community integrated education within current parts of the RAURA initiative in collaboration with women's groups and the disabled. Already established training centres in the Community will become extended RAURA centres linked by our participating womengroups

The target group is reached through training at the relevant school, led by staff from the RAURA initiative. Each school educates 2 new schools, which in turn educate additional schools until all interested schools are part of our RAURA initiative

Impact and Challenges

  The drought threatens 70 million people with starvation. Our project can save them from starving to death and prepare them for the next extreme weather situation by teaching them how to bake living bread with a simple micro-greenhouse that can be built with a little slush, a mosquito net and plastic wrap for $2. By baking the bread with solar energy at a temperature of 40°C, all valuable enzymes are preserved while no forest is cleared for cooking with fire under the pot and no killing smoke that kills millions of women and children every year. The living bread can also be stored for a long time, even more than a year.

One of the biggest threats to humanity is soil erosion. Without topsoil, the conditions for humanity's survival disappear. Our project is to counteract soil erosion and ensure topsoil cover with our soilification toilets.

Mental illness is a new pandemic spreading around the world. Our Blue Green rehab initiative together with our Living Garden which is a green oasis for mental recovery, enhanced with the use of aroma- and chromo therapy can be a powerful initiative against the use of psychotropic drugs

Our RAURA initiative is an incubator for self-employment that can lift people out of a life in misery and give them resources and faith in the future that can make them stay instead of fleeing their homes and becoming refugees in foreign countries.

 Our project involves introducing new eating habits, which is always a big challenge. Furthermore, in the last half-century, the UN has only sent conventionally grown grain, which in no way solves the problems in the long term. What is needed is for everyone to learn to build up their own food supply so that they are equipped when the drought comes, and this is where the living bread and the sprouted mince come into the picture.

The sprout mix is extremely flexible and can be used directly as it is for a nutritious meal or used to bake live bread, nuggets, steaks or pizza. The living bread can also be used to make a protein powder that can be used in soups, sauces, or on a wilderness trip.

Our soilification toilet solution turns human manure into an invaluable resource that helps to ensure the availability of plant nutrition.  Changing toilet habits always pose a challenge that will be well supported in our project by the use of drama technique.

Project activities

The introduction of the RAURA initiative covers 5 countries, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Somalia.

The following activities will be carried out at 4 schools in each country that pave the way for a sustainable future resilience adapted to Global Warming,

- Learning the basics of a sustainable lifestyle which includes, among other things, the seven insights and Non-Violent Communication

- Establishment of The Living Garden, resilience-adapted small-scale biotope-adapted organic cultivation of plants for the sprout mix.

- Baking living bread and other sprout mix alternatives where the vegetables have been replaced with fruit and nuts.

- Use of wild plants for eating, health care, herbal tea production, and skin care.

- Establishment of soilification toilets that convert urine and faeces into a nutrient- and humus-rich topsoil

- Soilification technology - how and why,

- Water drilling technology with a simple hand drill can be used to drill for water which can then be pumped up with a simple bicycle pump using airlift technology.

- Learning the basics of Blue Green rehabilitation with nature and kayaking as sources of inspiration for mental health

- Initiation of municipally integrated education linked to school activities and establishment of the school as a RAURA centre, a local resource centre for the education of current target groups that include women's groups, unemployed youth, everyone with functional variations and staff in prisons.

- Establishment of how the school as RAURA centre becomes an Incubator for sustainable resilience-adapted new entrepreneurship that can contribute to preventing the flow of refugees from East and West Africa to i.a. Europe

- Educational activities for the target group in the evenings, weekends and during school holidays in all of the various parts of the RAURA initiative.

The activity can also become a source of inspiration and create continuing education opportunities for everyone who works with activities in refugee camps that affect the RAURA initiative


Expected outputs

The community-integrated school activities will contribute to the school becoming an invaluable resource in the adjustment work for a resilience-adapted sustainable development for the municipality. School activities become the hub in the wheel for introducing the Soil to Plate to Soil h (SPS) era that contributes to;

- stop soil erosion by ensuring topsoil cover, perhaps the greatest threat to the survival of mankind.

- introduce soilification toilets which help to ensure the topsoil cover and be the beginning to the end of the pit latrine era which contributes to the depletion of arable land and global warming

-Introduce a simple water bore hole hand drilling technique down to a depth of 80 meters.

- target  all 17 UN's environmental goals and the introduction of 100% organic farming.

- a lifestyle change with new consumption habits that contribute to an increased degree of self-sufficiency and an increasing use of local resources as well as a reduced contribution to Global Warming.

- increased use of drama and storytelling for empowering of emphatic skills and sustainable consumption patterns

  enlivening one's own cultural heritage in terms of dance, music, song and handicrafts, which arouses a feeling of security, curiosity and understanding when meeting people of other ethnicities

- strengthen students' creative, cognitive and empathic abilities by creating a reverence relation to nature, concern for others and themselves, as well as a peaceful harmonious coexistence

- reduced propensity for violence, criminality, and drug abuse through the creation of new income opportunities as well as education and dietary habits that strengthen the empathic ability

- create new jobs for the unemployed that can prevent a life of misery and poverty

- provide opportunities for everyone with functional variations in the municipality to raise their quality of life

--reduce the burden on the healthcare system by strengthening the physical and mental health of the municipality's residents through improved dietary habits and blue-green rehabilitation activities

An indirect result is created through the training of actors in current refugee camps who can give the refugees skills that make it possible to create a new sustainable one when they can return to their homes.

Social and environmental impact

Our RAURA initiative contributes to achieving all the UN 17 SDG:s, (Sustainable Develoipment Goals) and pave the way for a resilience-adapted sustainable future and a peaceful coexistence, on a wounded planet.

Our project is a first step to pave the way for a scale-up of the RAURA initiative that can help make Africa an example for the rest of the world and at the same time stop the refugee flows.

The RAURA initiative's investment will contribute to paradigm shifts in the following areas:

- the schools will become RAURA centers that will play a decisive role in resiliency and adapting society to Global Warming and at the same time become a cornerstone for the development of the student's empathic abilities and the creation of a safer society. The student's curiosity and creativity are inspired by introducing age-integrated pedagogy where research and teaching become a natural part

- the introduction of the Living Garden creates the conditions for making organic farming an axiom for resilience adaptation of our agriculture to Climate Change

- soilification of human manure and biomass paves the way to restore the soil's fertility and stop soil erosion while consigning the pit latrine and conventional flush toilets to history.

-by creating new income opportunities for farmers through the restoration of eroded land, the cultivation of plants for the sproutmix, and the sale of alternative products made from sproutmix such as bread, cakes, and yummies, the devastation of the rainforest and valuable biotopes can be stopped.

- the mental pandemic that has hit Africa can be stopped with our blue-green rehabilitation initiative which is a powerful alternative to conventional psychopharmacological treatment and which in a powerful way is combined with our job incubator which creates opportunities for self-employment and a new start in life.

-the interest from the penitentiary in our project to train its staff to give the inmates the opportunity to make the prison self-sufficient in food-is huge.t. Cultivation of plants for the sproutmix and production of alternative products also create opportunities for the reintegration of the inmates into society.

6. Main targets of the 17 SDG:s for our project

Our RAURA initiative touches on all 17 global goals but mainly relates to Goal 15 to stop soil erosion and restore the fertility of eroded soil as well as protect rainforests and preserve biodiversity.

In Africa, over 90% of arable land is eroded Access to arable land is crucial to ending hunger (Goal 1) The prerequisite is access to water and sanitation solutions that turn human manure into topsoil (Goal 6)

A peaceful coexistence is the basis for all sustainable development in conflict and war situations, concern for the environment always comes to the fore. (Goalt 16)

New income opportunities and education are the basis for the social change that is needed, and  women will play a central role through an introduction of sproutmix and baking Living Bread as well as the establishment of Living Gardens. (Goals 8, 4, and 5)





RAURA initiative in Kenya with widows


RAURA initiative -17 SDG:s