Blue Green Rehabilitation

Blue Green Rehabilitation overview


Today's treatment of various diseases such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and other psychological problems, needs new alternatives. Many treatments and medicines create even worse problems than the original symptoms. Blue Green Rehab is one new alternative, where the patient is offered mental rehabilitation with psychodynamic psychotherapy without psychofarmaca and an emphatically listening ear in combination with nature-related experiences sitting totally relaxed in an extremely stable kayak or walking in the Living Garden, a Botanical Garden or in a Rainforest. A healthy diet, with a focus on raw food and Living Bread, is also a part of the rehabilitation. Bluegreen Rehab has the potential to become a primary alternative for the treatment of mental problems.

Blue Green Initiative – overview

Divine nature has a healing effect on our minds. Our Living Garden is an ocean of colors and fragrances from trees, herbs, and flowers and a powerful source of mental recovery through Chromo and Aromatherapy. Kayaking is another example that also offers versatile physical exercise in combination with unique nature experiences on the first parquet all year round. It will also be a unique possibility for the disabled to experience a total feeling of freedom and be able to move just like anyone else.

The movement harmony in paddling takes command of the body's motorial functions and creates mental conditions for breaking a chaotic and destructive thought pattern. The paddling becomes the embryo to a welcome meditative mental relaxation that gives space for clairvoyance and reflection.

The kayak tour, therefore, provides a unique opportunity for long conversations where the affected person can reflect on their situation in a clear way and be met with listening empathy in a harmonious environment far away from the traumatic world inside the hospital walls. It also opens up opportunities for the patient to get a safe relationship to the person accompanying them on the tour.

The importance of healthy food when it comes to giving our vital gut bacteria a good working environment to ensure our personal physical well-being has been known for a long time. Recently, the contribution of gut bacteria to our mental well-being has also been the focus. A well-functioning intestinal flora has crucial importance for our mental health. By eating wild plants and Raw Food in combination with e.g., fermented vegetables we get a unique opportunity to create a healthy environment for our gut bacteria thus strengthening our immune defense. Further nature-related food like Raw Food will lift the food to new life-giving spiritual dimensions.

More and more people in our digitized world are suffering from mental problems. This also applies to our young people and pensioners. In recent decades, a new consumer class that gets its happiness from shopping has continuously grown. This is a trend that needs to be broken. The true sources of happiness, nature, culture and the family need to be re-established. Experiencing nature, not only create harmony for body and soul but also a sense of reverence for nature's ingenuity and subtlety that strengthens self-esteem and caring for others and nature.

The way forward

Today's healthcare needs to break new ground, where Blue Green rehab can become a key agent. Compulsory medication often causes side effects that are more difficult to cure than the original symptoms. An empathy-free objectified approach makes the situation even worse.

After recovering from mental disorders, it is of great importance to create a living situation with new hope for a peaceful resilience adapted sustainable future. In this context, the RAURA initiative will become a cornerstone for giving the inspiration to create a sustainable lifestyle and self-employment that not only cares for our own health but also for our common home, the Planet Earth.

Blue and/or Green rehabilitation activities involving schools, ecotourism actors, and health services can be implemented by using ecotourism as a funding resource.

 We plan to start up our Blue Green rehab activities with kayaks in Lake Kanyaboli where schools will have access to the kayaks free of charge.


  • Introduction of Blue Green Rehabilitation with kayaking and divine nature experience combined with psychodynamic psychotherapy as an alternative for treatment of various diseases such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and other psychological problems with psychofarmacha

  • Curing of mental disorders by Involvement in changing lifestyle and new self-employment, resilience adapted to Climate change by experiencing Living Gardens combined with Living Bread baking and sprout-mix alternatives.

  • Comprehensive Green Ambassador training of people with mental disorders for fast recovery

  • Introduction of a plant-based Living Bread and sprout mix alternatives for strengthening our gut microbiome for curing mental disorders

  • Introduction of using the Living Garden for curing mental disorders with aroma and chromo therapy.

  • Initiation of rehabilitation for the disabled by kayaking at all available spots with access to safe waters

  • Investigation of safe available spots for kayaking like dams, rivers lakes, and the sea without crocodiles or hippos.

  • Investigation of possible resorts and psychiatric clinics that are interested in Blue Green rehabilitation combined with school activities and ecotourism.

Expected outputs

Release of people with mental disorders now being chained in psychiatric clinics

  • Creation of a new future for people recovering from mental disorders in combination with self-employment and a healthy lifestyle.

  • Curbing the mental pandemic among youth through the introduction of Blu Green Rehabilitation involving Improved health and strengthened immune defense by the introduction of Living Bread and a plant-based diet


By offering the disabled a total feeling of freedom in the kayak they will get a new lifeline that will become a never-ending source of inspiration

Blue Green Rehabilitation can prevent many people, now suffering from mental disorders, and a life in misery in slum areas, from committing suicide.

The number of people with mental disorders is increasing very fast so there is a strong need for emergency actions. Bluegreen Rehab has the potential to become a primary alternative for the treatment of mental problems


Soilification of humanure